Frequently Asked Questions,Answers and Facts:

What is Elimination Communication / Infant Potty Training / Babies On Potties / Diaper-Free Baby?

It is a practice of awareness in which the caregiver observes and responds to their baby when the child is communicating regarding their elimination needs.  It significantly reduces and/or eliminates the need for diapers.  This concept involves observing a baby’s signals and daily patterns, and providing an elimination place, position and cue. 

Does this really work? 

It has been proven to work in many cultures, such as third world and non-industrialized countries where disposable diapers are not available. Currently this is what over 2/3 of parents around the world do everyday and have done for centuries. This is not a new concept or idea.

At what age can I start my child?

Right now!  Any age is a good age to begin.  Start as soon as possible. Ideally between birth and 6 months.  An older child may require a little more attention and effort because patterns may already be established.

What are typical signals that babies give?
Babies cry, whine, fuss or use body language when they have to go. When they need to have a bowel movement, usually they will stop what they are doing, stare off into space or squat.  Watch the “Babies on Potties” DVD for a more comprehensive list and see how to bridge the technique with the baby’s signal. 

Do I have to do this all day every day?  What about part time?
Your choice, you can practice on a full or part time basis, depending on your availability.  It takes a lot less time to give the child a quick wipe and flush the toilet than it does to change a dirty diaper on a squirming and kicking baby with a lot of wet wipes.

Is it hard?
It is as simple as feeding your child when they are hungry or help rock them to sleep if they are tired.  It is an additional way of helping them when they are communicating about their need to eliminate.

Does the child wear diapers while learning this technique? 
That is up to you. It is possible to practice with or without diapers. You can use diapers full or part time, or not at all.

Is it messy?
Dealing with dirty diapers and diapers that have leaked onto clothing and bedding is more of a mess than placing your child on the toilet and wiping them with toilet paper. In fact, parents who practice this technique come into a lot less contact with waste matter than those who just change the diapers all of the time.

When do most children prefer to eliminate?
Give baby an opportunity to pee immediately after a nap, or upon waking in the morning. Watch the DVD entitled “Babies on Potties” for the helpful tips and tricks on getting started.

How long should I hold my baby over the potty? 
20 seconds is a good reference point.

What if I get my baby on the potty and he/she won’t go? 
Then it is not the right time.  Try again later.  Try not to have any expectations.  Just give the child another opportunity at a later time.

What if I am not in the house or at home? 
Take your potty with you and use other locations such as outdoors, sinks, toilets and baby potties.  There is a waterproof fold up potty that you can put in your back pocket or your bag.

What about night times and nap times? 
Set a potty chair next to the bed and when the child squirms, fusses or wakes up give them the opportunity to use the potty.  The family in "Babies On Potties", sets up the bed with a fleece liner to keep baby dry if there are any accidents. 

What if it is embarrassing? 
Always look for a discreet location and offer the same kind of help as if a young child the age of 10 was using their words to ask to use the bathroom.  Most people are pleasantly surprised when they notice that the baby is potty trained.  Soon enough the parents who continue to let their babies eliminate on themselves are going to be the ones who are embarrassed.

What if my child is in daycare?
Ask the daycare facility if they are familiar with this concept and would they be willing to give your child the same opportunity to use the potty as they give the other older children who are learning about the potty?  Ask them if they would be willing to watch a 20-minute instructional DVD on how to use the simple techniques.  There are many polite tactics given for this in the Babies on Potty DVD.

What is the other terminology for this idea? 

 babies on potties
infant potty training  natural infant care
 diaper-free babyinfant pottying natural infant hygiene
 diaper-less baby careinfant toilet training potty un-training
 elimination communicationmother training potty whispering
 elimination timingnappy free baby trickle treat